During this rainy season in the Fraser Valley we can find ourselves going a bit stir crazy. How many Netflix movies can you watch before feeling like you need to get productive? Here are some ideas to get you moving in the right direction. Do these 5 things while you wait for the spring time to rear it's head and get a jump on that wedding to-do list.
#1) Make those final edits to your guest list, that's right! Cut all those iffy choices you know are lingering in your mind. Think who would be the most fun, most positive and memorable. Be ruthless, good luck
#2) Once that's all said and done, do a pre organization of your seating charts. Sure some people might not be able to come or show up but getting a good idea of your layout can take the worry away. Inching you closer to the big picture.
#3) Make your colour choices! If your having fresh flowers knowing what's in season during your wedding can make a colour choice easier. Then Pinterest until you got it nailed down. If you can't make the decision yourself, employ a friend, a hairdresser, a wedding chat group to help you get it sorted. At least you could get it down to 2 choices
#4) Book your honeymoon! What better way to get your mind off a rainy day than picturing your honeymoon. I personally love using BCAA, while you pay a bit more they visit all their locations and review them on their own scale! How many times did a 5 star resort end up being a 3 star mess? Trip Advisor is also great for weeding out those rough spots and revealing those hidden gems. Do you have a location yet? If not start there!
#5) Book your Dj! Yeah I know, shameless plug but what better time to get your Dj booked. Think of the music you'll be hearing, what the guests will be dancing to and how happy that full dance floor will make you. A good Dj should be able to plan and execute all the music for your day, taking away a good chunk of those wedding woes.
Send me a message here! Let's get talking

Felix Alexander